Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Just Blow Up The Whole Damn Thing!

I'm a very angry person.  I get angry about everything.  Even when I see people "misusing" or "overusing" quotation marks, it makes me angry.  I had, for a time resolved to not read the newspaper or watch the news on TV because of all the crap int he world.  It all left me feeling angry & helpless and even more angry because I couldn't do anything about anything.

But that was all a while back and I am back to feeling angry & helpless.  I do not wish to feel this way and I do not understand why everyone else doesn't feel this way.  Look at this injustice!  Look at this hurting!  Why doesn't it make you shake with anger?

The problem with the news is that most of the time, happy-go-lucky news doesn't make for interesting news.  And so, most of it is bad news.  In today's paper:

Upon reading this, several things happened to me all at once.  The backs of my eyeballs stung.  My stomach churned & knotted up--not like nausea, more like when someone says something hurtful to me & I want to haul off & clock them in the jaw.  A very vivid image appeared in the recesses of my brain.  It was almost like a dream.  I watching through my own eyes as I beat these "males" with a baseball bat.

If left to my own devices, I could become a very violent vigilantly.  I would want to drive to Dallas and find these people and proceed to beat the snot out of each one.  But I cannot.  I was at work at the time and I had no idea who these people are or how to find them.  This frustrated me to the point of having shaking hands. 

Another thing that angered me tot he point of shaking:  These people will probably get little, if any, punishment.  Recent history teaches us that cruelty & neglect to animals results in little effect from the law because it's "just animals". 

Let me point out that recent history also teaches us that folks like Jeffery Dauhmer practiced torture and killing on small animals before using his skills on people.  Would you like for your children to inhabit a neighborhood with these people who set dogs on fire?  What is the matter with you??!!  Are you not as angry as I am that these violators of nature will most likely go unpunished?!!

I was thinking to myself that the best punishment for these people would eb to douse them with lighter fluid, let a match, then let them try to put each others' flames out while a crowd jeers and laughs at them.

This is exactly what is wrong with man.  Man is a horrible, horrible creature and I don't know why God created us.  The Bible states that God will eventually get fed up with us, destroy the earth and heaven, and create a new one.  Well?  What's taking so long?  God flooded the entire planet because the people were bad.  Were they half as bad are they are today?

Another injustice that pisses me off is that is you commit rape and are not caught within 5 years, the statute of limitations runs out, meaning you can commit this crime and totally get away with it.  Meanwhile, a backlog of something like 25,000 rape kits gathers dust in Detroit.  Who here understands why a crime goes ignored if you get away with it for 5 years?

About a year ago, a man placed a baby in a microwave and turned it on.  The child survived so the man threw the baby against the wall.

In Ethiopia (I beleive it was) a baby had its arms & legs chopped off and he was left to bleed out on a dirt road.  His albino limbs would later be sold ont he black market for the making of magic potions.

A 4 month old baby girl was sexually assualted and her pelvis shattered.

Mothers are forever loading their children into cars before sweeping them into a river.

Animals of all kinds are being neglected, abused, starved on purpose.
Children are beaten, starved, bullied to the point of suicide.

Jesus.  Just end it already.  The animals will love You and exalt You.  Men cause only destruction and grief.  I do not mean men as the way a feminist would say, I mean men, as in all types of humans.  We are the scum of the earth.  This planet was beautiful until man was created.  Where is God?  Why are You allowing all this to happen?  Wipe us men all off the face of the earth and perhaps it could be beautiful again.

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