Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cat Nazis Part 2 of 3

I got a bum deal here.  I started looking into magnetic doors.  If I could find one that didn’t require power--if that were possible--I wouldn’t have to worry about a power failure and one of the dogs getting trapped outside in the rain or something.  And maybe the noise of such a door would scare the cat--if that were possible--so the cat wouldn’t use the doggie door, but the dogs still could by wearing a collar with a sensor. 

Sure, I’d still let the cat in through the back door.  She has her place here and she’s pretty much stolen one of the dog’s beds.  But I had to find out if the cat might be able to squirm her way in if the dogs used such a door.  I’d sure hate to come home from work and find one of the dog’s eyeballs on the couch.  One dog is terrified of this cat.  She just freezes like a deer in headlight.  The other dog, the small, bald one who think she’s a Pitbull, will take on this cat.  The problem with that is the cat outweighs the dog by a great deal and is three times her size.  Playing or not, things could real ugly, real fast.

So I went on an animal forum to ask about these doors.  I briefly explained that I needed to keep the cat out while allowing the dogs to come and go as they please.  At least SIX people asked why I needed to keep the cat out.

I hesitated.  I’d been through this once before.  I swore up and down I’d never go back to that forum because people (including me) had become hateful and mean.  I’d even got my feelings hurt a little at one point.  And that’s kind of hard to do unless you’re really close to me and know me.  I gave in.

I briefly explained that this cat is downright MEAN.  She claws up everything and terrorizes the other animals at times and I’m sick of cleaning up after the dogs in the laundry room. 

This is when the Cat Nazis came pouring out.  Here are some actual responses to my explanation as to why I do not want the cat inside unattended.

The poor cat!!!!
She's not mean, she's just doing what nature tells her to do.

Forgive me if I'm jumping to the wrong conclusion, but this sounds like you're fed up with refereeing the cat/dog/bird lives in your family and have decided that it's all the cat's fault.
Please don't lock the cat out, it clearly is desperate to be inside and has nowhere else to go. Making the cat stay outside is much too harsh a punishment for being part of the chaos that's driving you nuts.
If you can't find a way to bring peace to your pets' lives, please consider rehoming one or more.

I responded…
This is exactly why i do not like this forum.... This post is not supposed to be about my poor, poor cat who is desperate for attention, etc, etc, etc. It is not about why I am so horrible to this pitiful creature who is clearly better than me.
I asked about magnetic doors. Anyone is more than welcome to come over for a day and get your ankles clawed at in the hallway. It'll happen if you need to use the restroom. Come on over, I'll make tea.
Cat & bird are husband's--can’t get rid of. Dogs are both ours but I spend more time with all 4 pets. FYI, cat lovers--cats were originally born outside before housing was invented. Cats and turtles and zebras alike are perfectly OK outside. They've been surviving outside for thousands of years.
I apologize for my cynicism but die-hard-preachy cat people make me nuts.

Then the Cat Nazis came back….
I find this the most disturbing. If the cat and bird were your husband, did he not know that the cat and bird did not get along?? Why is it an issue now?? Perhaps you don’t want to referee the fights or chasing of the bird, but to ban the cat outside is harsh treatment. My cat still nips at my ankles as I pass her by, but, I try to control it, i.e., saying no (firmly) and if that does not work, then I spray her with a water bottle. And if all else fails, then she has a time out. But I don’t ban her from the house. I know that cats and dogs are different, however, a cat can learn not to do a certain behavior with proper training. I sure hope that you live in a warm climate and that there are no dogs or wild animals that would attack and possibly kill the cat.
I would hope and pray that there were not any children born either prior to or after the marriage, because if they can’t get along one will be banned to the outside. Sounds harsh, but if you’ll do to a animal, humans may be next.
Your posts appear to be that of an immature person. I said that because of this FYI, cat lovers--cats were originally born outside before housing was invented. Cats and turtles and zebras alike are perfectly OK outside. They've been surviving outside for thousands of years. Trying to rationalize your statements does not make it right. Good luck to you and your crew because you sure need it.

I responded….
Yes, I am immature and sarcastic but I don't care anymore! I'm SO sick on being judged because I allow my cat fresh air and sunshine. She was born outside--she weighs like 30 pounds and has muscles bigger than mine. She's quite alright out there! (and I was responsible & got her tubes tied--does that make me a meanie because it's unnatural???)

OH PUH--LEEZE do not compare cats to children. Cats are self-reliant. Children...not so much. They cannot even wipe their own noses.
May I be run down in the street by a PETA truck filled with kittens.
I'm out. Say what you want--that I'm a vicious pet owner & should reported because I GASP want my cat outside & to not claw out the dogs eyes and tear up the furniture or eat the bird. I prob won't be back.

To be totally fair, one person was speaking quite civilized….
I do think it is wrong to be so harsh in judgement of the situation. I agree I'd rather see the cat indoors but it's not my cat, my household, etc to deal with. I think that the cat harasses the bird is reason enough to be concerned with the cat being indoors and unattended.
All situations are different. Why would OP care if the cats and dogs get along fine at your house when they obviously don't get along fine at theirs?
It would be natural for a cat to attack and kill a bird, to suggest that since a behavior is natural that everyone should be ok with the consequences is a little skewed. I don't think anyone here would say that it would be fine for a pet cat to kill a pet bird but this is essentially the argument you are making with the whole it's natural thing.

And here’s excerpt from a Cat Nazi that practically wrote a novel on the subject within this posting…..
It's not ok for the cat to be forced to be outside, all the time.
First, a cat should not be outside, for the sake of the native bird population.
A very important reason to keep cats indoors is to prevent them from hunting and killing native birds that don't have any defenses against cats. Cats are NOT native to North America and are interfering with the native song bird population. There is a major concern in this country that cats could hunt native song birds to extinction.

HA HA!!  It is genetic encoding that tells a cat to hunt birds.  It’s called hunger and instinct.  And yes, birds DO have a defense.  It’s called--get ready for this--flight.  How do you give a cat a “time out” anyway?  Bunch of freaks.  Our cat has lived outside for two years.  When it gets unruly cold, we lock her in the laundry room overnight with bedding, food & water, and a small litter box.  She hisses and spits at me the whole time I’m trying to get her in that room, but I guess that’s nature telling her to do so.  Also, I get to spend the next day sweeping litter crumbs from EVERY square inch of the room.  Somehow, the cat has learned to fling poo like a monkey.  Lucky me.

And when I have my first baby, I might toss the crib and keep it in a cardboard box in the laundry room along with a tiny bowl of canned cat food, a shoebox filled with litter and a small blanket until it can properly walk.

Give me a break.

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