Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thinking of Food

I'm not hungry at all but I can't get my mind off it.  I don't wanna work out at all.  I figured it would be easier to just eat less.  I've been counting calories (what a miserable process) for a couple weeks.  I am merely guessing that I was eating 2000-2300 per day.  I read in a magazine that--duh--if you simply subtract a few hundred calories you will lose weight without effort.

Effort?  It takes all the effort in me to stay out of that kitchen!  Why am I so obsessed?  Why do i want to eat when i am not even hungry?  There are people literally starving to death all over and here I am wanting to eat out of boredom, for taste, for the pleasure of it.  I feel ashamed.

I weigh between 110 and 112 depending on how much salt I took in the day before.  And yes, I normally eat that calories amount stated above (or more) on any given day.  Now, before you get pissed at me, keep in mind that for my weight I am five feet tall and I am on feet all day, running around work, lifting, going, moving.  So yes, obviously if I eat a little less without keeping myself hungry (thus, slowing my metabolism) I should easily lose a few pounds without even trying.

I do not keep snacks for myself in the house and yet I still seem to eat too much.  So far I'm at 800 calories for the day.  Oh, and I had 7 french fries, how ever many calories that adds up to.  You see how obsessive this can get?  A bag of popcorn is 75 calories?  That doesn't sound right at all.  A serving is a cup which is 30 calories and there's 2.5 servings in a bag.  My math must be off.  The bag of popcorn filled me up so that I felt very full.  And yet....I still am still thinking of eating something!  I'M NOT EVEN HUNGRY!!!!

I'm trying to justify it by telling myself 800 calories is not enough for the day.  However it's 2.5 hours until bedtime and I cannot just pig out here.  I should have a bowl of veggies and find something to do to keep myself busy....

What is wrong with me?

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