Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Boredom at a Whole New Level

I was so proud of myself yesterday.  I went to bed with the number 1300 on my white board.  I felt like I'd eaten all night long.  It's easy when you eat the right things.  Sugar free Jell-O, popcorn, veggies--I DID eat all night long!  1300 calories.  I could easily do this every day.  It was actually easy yesterday.  Easy!

Today was another birthday at work and we got breakfast tacos.  I've grown to hate those things.  I imagine they taste good, they should be good, but they are not.  And usually I sit down to have one or two or three, depending on the leftovers.  And I usually feel really bad about it because it didn't even taste good.  I imagine a soft fresh made tortilla with spicy sausage and fresh eggs, smothered in real cheddar cheese.

Instead, what you get a greasy tortilla with powdered eggs and what I've come to call "sausage".  I'm not sure what it is but you rarely see any stray dogs or cats near the taco shack.  Their bacon is actually little chunks of ham and the cheese is nasty, over-processed American Cheese.  You know, square cheese.

I didn't even want a taco.  It just sounded nasty to me and I was afraid if I ate one it would make me sleepy & I was determined to get out of there early.  I did have one.  But it was not the very second the bag was placed on the table.  It was an hour later.  And it wasn't very good.  The eggs were weird.  The "sausage" was chewy.  And thank goodness there was no cheese to scrape off.

I worked hard and fast from the time that I walked through that big back door.  We finished early and I clocked out at 12:30 and after working 6.5 hours.  Once home, I discovered that everything had already been done.  I had done all the chores and there were no groceries to put away.  I sorted laundry last night and had washed the dishes.  Hmm.

Lucy sat in the head rest of the chair and watched the street in case it might run away.  I alternated watching a really boring movie and Zoe.  I have to watch Zoe.  I watch her to make sure she doesn't pee on the carpet, or eat the individual cheap yarns that make up the carpet.  I have to watch her so she doesn't irritate Lucy past her tolerance level.  The only time they get along is when the mail arrives and they agree that whoever is on the porch should suffer and die.

I had no to do list.  I had no new cool movies to watch.  I just watched Zoe.  I needed something constructive to do so I uploaded some photos to the 'ol blog and found out that waiting for them to upload is way more boring than what I was doing.

I thought getting off early was what I'd wanted.  I had literally prayed for it.  And now I'm bored.  Although I'd rather be here being bored than at work in the relentless heat.  OK then.  So what now?

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