Saturday, May 21, 2011

Catching Up

I'm not bitter or depressed, just really busy and haven't felt like writing.  I've been panicking about money and eating like a 5 year old on Halloween night as though there are no consequences.  It's not so much that I've been eating really bad stuff like entire bags of chips, but I have been eating a lot when I am not hungry and I wish I could stop.

Still wishing away the pocket around my waist and thighs, still wishing for perfect skin.  I have been using my eliptical, but only for 10 minuets in the morning on weekdays and 20 minuets each Saturday and Sunday.  With that meager amount of exercise with the out of control eating, I wouldn't be surprised if I've gained weight. 

I've been putting in overtime at work while maintaining the cleanliness at home that I require so I'm a bit tired at that may be why I am eating more--because of the tiredness.  I've been stressed out, as always.  Nothing new there.  Shawn needs a hundred dollar book for school, his dentist is pushing him to get these fillings, we wanted to buy my nephew his starter tools for his diesel mechanics classes as a graduation gift....

Gas prices.

I think I've made my point.  I will say though, God has certainly blessed me at work.  For the past three weeks, clothes have been pouring into the cleaners and it hasn't been too difficult to acquire overtime.  I obtain overtime by staying after everyone leaves and everything is done and cleaning the areas that no one will touch.  For example, I might clean out the shop vac, or clean behind a machine that spits oil onto the wall.  Things like that.  And the hotter it gets, the harder it is to make myself stay.  However, God heard my cries and answered with a lot of business!

Because my job is really doing the same things over and over five thousand times each day--I could do it in my sleep--I downloaded free Spanish lessons to my music player and have been focusing on that.  What I learned in high school has slowly trickled down from the recesses of my mind but I get frustrated that I haven't just woke up one morning and been able to speak the phrases I've learned fluently. 

It's as though I expect I should be able to instantly absorb everything. Instead, I've been listening to the same lessons, over and over, checking my pronounciation with my Mexican coworkers and actually passing time more quickly.  The lessons allow me to focus on something not quite as mundane as tying your shoes 5,000 times in a day.

This link will lead to Coffee Break Spanish, which is a great way to learn Spanish.  It's short 15-20 minuet lessons and there are many, many other languages as well.

Ah, this is why I do not write when I am not int he modd.  This entire post is so boring it reads as though I'm explaining a dream I had.  Oh, well.

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