Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day

This weekend was quite busy.  We never got to the movie theater.  We never played frisbie golf, not that I was in the mood for it anyway.  It was probably best that we were so busy.  We took some tomato soup to Ma on Sunday just as the dinner carts were rolling out and we'd just happened to time it perfectly.

On Monday morning, Memorial Day, we got a phone call mid-morning.  It was Ma and she was very upset because Tim had lost one of the dogs (Tim stays with her and they have 3 dachshunds)  We weren't clear if the dog was outside or inside when the dog was lost so we headed over to the house to help find it.

We were also debating why Tim would tell her such a thing when he hadn't looked yet.  That's something you keep to yourself until the dog is lost forever, especially when the person you're telling is in the hospital.  On the ten minuets drive over, I ranted and raved about how stupid all this was and that Ma really didn't need this right now.  If the dog was lost outside, anyone driving by could have picked it up, assuming it had been dumped to survive the dead grass fields.  How many miles might we have to cover if the dog was outside?

We arrived to the house to see all three little dogs inside their little fenced in areas.  Apparently, Tim had stepped in poop, hollered and threw a fit about it, and sent one dog running terrified.  The dog was found under a bed.  I called Ma to give her the great news.  She was coming home this day & I let her know the rest of the tomato soup was in the fridge.

Around 3pm I fell asleep and Shawn didn't wake me up until 4:15.  I was irritated about that.  And apparently, Ma had been home since 1pm, just no one bothered to let us know it.  This late afternoon on what I considered to be like a Sunday, we headed over to the house once more.  Ma is in very little pain and doing really well.  We discussed all sorts of things and once, by ourselves--God help me--we got into that old religious discussion again.

I explained to her what I'd heard on a Joyce Meyer CD.  She listed all the Christian religions, the number of sub-religions and said this was all a result of arguing.  But she also said, if you believe this or not that, Hey--that's OK.  We don't have to argue about it.  We can still along!  Ma is agnostic and I still don't really know what that means but we can usually agree to disagree in a friendly manner.

At bedtime I was wide awake from my late nap.  I finally decided to take the top sheet off Prissy's bed.  She had leaked a small amount of poo on it and I can't say I haven't taken it off yet.  As I straightened out the cover (they both always liked to burrow) I cried silently but so hard that I had more snot come out of my face than tears.  Shawn, well across the house never heard me.  I arranged the cover until it was perfect with not a single wrinkle in it.  Lucy, finishing up her dinner hopped into her own bed.  "You're gonna have to hold me up for a while," I told her.

Every day does get a little easier.  Lucy is eating more, but still looks back at me when we go outside.  She's always checking to make sure I am there and perks her ears up wide when the cat creaks through the dog door.  I'm still quite nauseous but food is beginning to taste better.  It may seem silly to become so depressed over a dog.  Just consider it as something I loved deeply.

I didn't sleep much last night and I'm regretting that I let myself fall asleep so late in the afternoon.  Today will be a hard one.  Maybe I'll start my Spanish lessons again.

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