Saturday, March 19, 2011

Burn Out

I will be taking the first of two weeks off very soon.  I get two weeks.  I told my boss if I took two weeks off at a time, I'd probably get so comfortable that I'd never come back.  So I'll take one week, then a another week later in the summer.

In fourteen days I will free from work!  FREE from my job!  I am concerned about my eating habits, but not nearly as much as I am concerned about being so free!

Vacation requires special meals and as a result I've scheduled some play dates for Shawn & me.  Since gas prices are reaching to $3.50 a gallon and that makes everything so darn expensive, I've found some things for us do that is free or relatively cheap--and LOTS of walking.

Yes, I will buy a package of bacon and I will cook it with pancakes!  Yes, I am going to prepare chicken fried steak, just as my mother taught me (and Shawn's all time favorite meal).  Yes, I'm making to massive home made from scratch, complete with greasy cheese and pepperoni.  And yes, I will eat these foods!  To burn some of this greasy fare off, I remembered that we hadn't played Frisbee Golf in a couple years.  I found a new course here in town.  Walking two courses and several acres ought to do the trick. 

There is a Putt Golf course in Killeen.  It's been there forever.  We've been here forever.  But we've never gone!  I signed up with their website & received an emailed coupon for a free round of golf.  Maybe it's not exactly aerobic, but laughing is.  My mom wants to take me shopping for my birthday.  That usually requires miles and miles of walking through malls, stores, and shopping centers.  I hate shopping, but I'll be needing the exercise by then.

This is perfect!  I can eat vacation foods, exercise, and have fun for free, all rolled into one package.  It sounds so good, I may even allow myself to buy a pint of Blue Bell ice cream.

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