Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Dog Brown There Over Ran

I feel so dumb when I try to learn Spanish.  I always thought I was at least normal-smart.  Maybe I only thought I was smart because that's what my mother always told me.  Mothers will lie to your face, you know.  That's why their always telling us we can be anything we want, we're beautiful, blah, blah, blah.

I try to understand it, I try to remember it, I try so hard!  My head hurts so badly and I feel so utterly stupid.  I think I should give up and remember how the audio lessons help pass the time at work.  The people on the podcasts are pleasant enough, it's not their fault I was born half retarded.  I really hate that phrasing.  My heart truly goes out to anyone with a learning disability.  Truly.

I read so much on this extreme couponing jazz.  I read pages and pages and for some reason I'm still not getting it!  I was so frustrated Sunday morning, I felt like crying.  Why couldn't I understand this?  I watched a marathon of "Extreme Couponing" On Saturday, read everything I could on Sunday, and it still was not sinking in.  For Pete's sake, this is not rocket surgery!

I asked Christina, a coworker, if she found English easy.  She scrunched up her face, shook her head and replied, "No!  No, Meeesteee!"  I love the way she says my name.  I know to speak slowly to Christina, she understands more easily when I speak slowly.  Her English has improved so much recently.  She told me she's been working with her eldest son.  He told her she will understand so much in twenty years.

"I listen and listen and listen..." I said.
"Escuchande," Christina says.  (I think)
"Yes, but it is not there!" I say pounding my head.  "Not there!"
Christina agreed with this statement.  I say there's too many little things, "Poco cosas!" I stammer out. 
"Ahhhhhh!  Poco cosas, yes!" replies my Mexican friend.

I don't feel so stupid now.  Maybe it's just as hard for her as it is for me.  It doesn't mean I won't continue to be frustrated with it.  I gotta watch the movie "Spanglish" again....

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