Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fighting Fat

Getting back to the health portion of this program I'd like to happily announce that I gained only one pound.  All things considered, with everything that's happened, I don't think that's too bad and I was not devastated over it.  I have not weighed myself for a while and I had just finished up a fiber-induced shadoobie so I figured it would be a good time to weigh in. 

On Thursday, I felt so horrible I came home from work and slept for three hours.  This is particularly unusual coming from a person who usually does not take naps.  On Friday, I felt pretty good at work, then horrible once I got off work.  I came home and slept some more.  I've been trying to slide off the evil diet soda.  I did have one on Friday at 4pm but that was only because my head was minuets away from exploding all over the bedroom walls.

Even if the Aspartame in the soda isn't bad for me, I've been reading so much about how diet soda makes us crave sugars and carbohydrates.  I'd always written this off as hookum because I never really wanted to even try to give up my precious soda.  I did after all quit smoking, what more do you people want from me?!  To say whether I crave these things because of the soda I drink is beyond me because I crave everything all the time.  We shall see.  If I can eliminate soda and find that I crave sweets less, then consider me a believer.

My elliptical has gathered quite a bit of dust, but I have every intention of getting back on.  Maybe after summer.  The heat at work is brutal and I usually feel crap on a daily basis.  Speaking of feeling like crap, a co-worker, Angel suggested Tonic Water.  She said she heard Doctor Oz say this is good stuff but Angel blew it off.  Her own doctor suggested it so she took it up.  She was having problems with leg cramps and other things and after a few days of drinking 8oz each night, she began to feel better.  She suggested it to her sister who has joint issues and she too, feels less pain and problems.

It's on my grocery list.  I'm pretty desperate to try anything right now.  Everyone I know swears Doctor Oz knows everything about everything so if he says tonic water, then I shall try the tonic water.  I personally have never seen Doctor Oz's TV show, but I know he is well respected in the community of People I Know.

When I was younger, I swore up and down I'd never be like my parents.  I would do stuff on the weekends, go places, play games, have fun.  What I did not realize back then is what a blue collar job can do to your body in the summer.  If becoming a zombie in front of the TV were an Olympic event, I'd take the gold metal for sure.  Not that I'm proud of this.  I would still like to do things, go places on the weekends but that takes energy and money that I simply do not have.

Right now, I'd settle for gaining the energy to do things--any thing.  If I can get back to eating right, exercising, sleeping better, maybe the energy will follow suit once we're out of triple degree weather.  And once again, we shall see.  I am currently wishing I could just wake up feeling halfway decent.  I hate waiting.

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