Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Extreme Couponing

This is the title of an actual show on TV.  I watched a couple episodes and became very interested in it.  I'm extremely skeptical, of course.  These woman do not have jobs.  They spend between 30 and 60 hours per week researching, studying, organizing coupons and sales.  They write out massive shopping lists and walk out with cart fulls (plural) of groceries for only a few dollars.

There's a problem with this.  All we have here are Wal-Mart and HEB.  These couponing women get great deals because they seek out awesome coupons and take them in on Double Coupon Day.  You think any national chain store is ever going to offer double coupons?  I don't think so.  A girl at work told me there's a grocery store in Waco that has Double Coupon Day and the gears in my head began to turn.

I could do that, I thought.  I'm super organized as it is.  In fact, Shawn calls it an obsession.  That's how darn organized I am.  But we do not spend my entire pay check on groceries and staples.  If we had kids, it might pay off.  But I'd still have to work.

Here's another catch.  All the women I saw on the episodes I watched are gigantic.  Another coworker suggested they were like that before they started their obsessive couponing.  I am suggesting it is because they use an entire room of their home to store food.  What else would you have to do besides eat and organize coupons?  I already have major issues with food.  Like I need an entire room stocked with an endless supply of food!  I could only imagine what I might look like if there were forty boxes of sugary cereal in the spare bedroom.

Waco or not, I decided not to look into it.  I can't work forty hours at my crappy job then spend another thirty hours on coupons.  I do use coupons.  Never underestimate the power of coupons.  I scour the internet each week with my grocery list clutched in my hand, but I don't pay a mere $12.78 for a basket full of groceries.  I would be happy to save even just a few bucks but I'm just not understanding how these women do it! 

I don't want to go out shopping for a size 28 dress anyway.  You know how I hate shopping for clothes.

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