Monday, June 20, 2011


You know what I'm sick of?  Unrealistic women playing real women.  In "Julie & Julia" Amy Adams, the actress, cooks from Julia Child's cook book and in one scene is claiming to have gotten fat.  I doubt Amy Adams, the actress has ever been fat a single day in her life.  Maybe the real Julie gained a bit of weight eating all that butter.  I doubt Amy Adams did.

Julia Roberts did it in "Eat Pray Love".  Her real life character flitters off to Italy to "find herself" and eats, eats, eats.  Her friend says she cannot eat the pizza because she has gained ten pounds and now has a muffin top.  Julia Roberts smiles and says she also has a muffin top.  Neither of these women has any kind of anything around their middle.

These are true stories brought to life by Hollywood and I'm staring at the screen having Julia Roberts in all her training trying to convince me, the viewer, that she has a muffin top.  Please.  Maybe the real life Liz Gilbert gained a muffin top.  I doubt Julia Roberts did.

Charlize Theron gained quite a bit of weight for her in "Monster".  Would it be too much to ask for these women to put on a measly ten pounds for a role?  Muffin top, indeed.  Pbbbt.  Julia Roberts has never been anything but tall and slender.  Very tall and very slender.

Why do I watch these movies?  Because they are on.  Dish Network raised our monthly bill by five dollars but gave us all the Starz movie channels for "free" for one year.  It's mostly crap from the eighties and chick flicks.  Horrah for summer.

"Eat Pray Love" bothered me because it was a real life memoir about a women who hates herself and her life so she flitteres off to Italy, Calcutta, Bali.  We should all be so lucky.  It reminded me of a magazine article on marriage.  A woman chef and her husband were ALWAYS fighting so they flittered off to France for several months where they cooked together, ate together, and enjoyed the French countryside together. 

Most of us cannot even afford Date Night, which "they" all say is so very important.

Does is seem reasonable or even doable that most of us could just flitter away to a foreign country every time we had a problem?  No, of course not.  I could not even cook my way through Julia Child's cook book if I wanted to.  Who can afford all that cheese and lobster?

 I am really hating my life right now particularly because it is triple digits and I work in what is essentially a sweat shop.  I imagine all the factors, all the possibilities that may have placed me in another place or another time.  The government expects me to wait until I am 72 to retire because there is no money left in social security.  It might be fine for them, sitting in air conditioned offices.  I'd like to have them do my job and ask where the retirement age sits. 

Right now, I'd like to flitter away to a whole new life in a another climate.  I wonder what gorgeous Hollywood actress would play me?  At least everyone would see me as a beautiful, sans muffin top.

In fact, I may just insist that the actress gain a muffin top.  Let it be her badge of honor for playing a "real" person.

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